As I'm sure many of you already know, Governor Lamont is implementing a "Stay safe, stay at home" policy and has issued an order for all non-essential businesses to close indefinitely starting Monday, March 23rd at 8:00p.m. and for residents to stay home. It is with VERY heavy hearts that I move to comply with this order.😔
From the office of Governor Ned Lamont: Press Release https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Press-Releases/2020/03-2020/Governor-Lamont-Signs-Executive-Order-Asking-Connecticut-Businesses-and-Residents-Stay-Safe
Effective 3/21/20, in conjunction with this order, we will no longer be able to care for your pets unless it is essential. Such as, if you still have to work away from home, are out of town, or are otherwise unable to care for your pet on your own. We will also remain available for all of our healthcare workers and police/EMT/firefighters at NO charge during this time.
Amber's Pampered Pets is my entire life, not to mention livelihood. I am extremely heartbroken but understand and support this order. This seems absolutely essential for our community, city, state and country at this time.
I can’t thank all of my clients enough for all of your support for my business and I hope to see everyone soon. Please keep in touch - we would LOVE to still see pictures of your pets!!
Stay safe and stay healthy!